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Summer season part 4 of 5: enjoy the most popular, most viewed topics from my LinkedIn live videos, including this topic which resonated with many of you- Strategies to deal with Passive Aggressive Behaviour.
This summer season, ‘best of’ series, are a great way to keep growing and learning. I’ll be back soon with new episodes!
Strategies to deal with Passive Aggressive Behaviour
Have you experienced passive aggressive behaviour from somebody in the past?
Maybe they don’t acknowledge your contribution or ideas, won’t reply to your emails or support you in meetings.
They may even not turn up to your meetings or appear to take credit for your work.
However, when you ask, “Is everything OK?”, they smile and reply, “Fine!” It’s like you can’t seem to have a genuine conversation.
Has this happened to you?
In this live I am going to share the strategies to deal with passive aggressive behaviour to stop the frustrations and blocks. So you can create more positive interactions and start moving forward.