Blogs & Articles

Boost your communication and
cultural learning with blogs
and articles

Victoria Rennoldson regularly writes blogs published here and contributes articles for websites, publications and magazines. Read these short, impactful articles with insights, practical ideas, exercises and tools for you to try yourself and with your team.

You might also like watching Victoria’s Wednesday Words videos: short videos on a variety of topics with insights, strategies, ideas and skills from an English coach to support you to become a more confident and culturally-aware communicator.

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Read the latest blogs

culture cuppa developing cultural intelligence capabilities in global teams 1

Developing Cultural Intelligence capabilities in global teams

The reality today is that global teams often work remotely across borders and in increasingly diverse environments, and rarely have the chance to meet face-to-face, ...
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culture cuppa mastering team communication with five dynamic tips

Mastering Team Communication with Five Dynamic Tips

Growing your team is an exciting opportunity. This is when you can bring people in to help you with your business and start to accelerate ...
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culture cuppa how understanding cultural values helps teams perform better

How understanding cultural values helps teams perform better

We live in a globalized world environment where we can instantly connect and communicate across borders at the touch of a button. Even if we ...
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culture cuppa communication skills training for better teams

Communication skills training for better teams

Communication is a key part of our human experience, influencing our personal and professional lives every day, and a critical way to collaborate and build ...
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culture cuppa make your emails stand out

Make your emails stand out: subject lines to encourage action

Email is an integral part of professional written communication, with an estimated 376 billion emails sent every day at work, and the average person receiving ...
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culture cuppa 10 fun and creative icebreakers for team meetings

10 Fun and Creative Icebreakers for Team Meetings

Team meetings are an essential part of encouraging collaboration and building strong relationships and rapport within a group, especially when working in remote teams. However, ...
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Interview Confidence programme

What is a communication coach?

In today’s global business world, effective communication has become a critical skill for personal and professional success, and developing your career. Whether it’s sharing your ...
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culture cuppa how to encourage participation in meeting

How to encourage participation in meetings

11 million meetings are held every day, according to some reports. Middle managers spend about 35% of their time in meetings, while those in upper ...
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culture cuppa what is cultural intelligence coaching

What is cultural intelligence coaching?

Jump to section The challenges that organizations face when doing business in different cultures What is cultural intelligence CQ? Cultural intelligence is validated by research ...
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culture cuppa overcoming communication challenges in presentations

Overcoming communication challenges in presentations

Presenting and public speaking are common fears with estimates of up to 77% of the population experiencing some level of anxiety regarding public speaking, and ...
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culture cuppa inclusivity best practices for hosting virtual meetings in international teams

Inclusivity best practices for hosting virtual meetings in international teams

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” – Henry Ford Hosting multilingual virtual events, meetings or conferences across ...
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culture cuppa build trust through adapting your communication

Build trust through adapting your communication

Whether you are working with customers internally or externally, the way you and your people build trust and relationships is critical to being successful in ...
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Watch Wednesday Words videos

Culture cuppa review your communication performance

How does culture influence online meetings in international teams?

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa virtual presence and energy

Virtual presence & energy

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa diplomatic language

Diplomatic language

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa why establishing communication goals matters

Why establishing communication goals matters

I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach. Welcome to Wednesday Words, my weekly vlog, with more communication skills and cultural strategies for you to learn. Today, ...
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Culture cuppa how to write successful presentations

Writing successful presentations

I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach. Welcome to Wednesday Words – where I bring you communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. You ...
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Culture cuppa structure your opinions

How to structure your opinions

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa communication mistakes

Communication Mistakes

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa what happens in 9 steps

What happens in 9 Steps to Communication Confidence

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa cultural icebergs

Cultural Icebergs

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Cultural Intelligence certified facilitator
Cultural Intelligence certified facilitator 2
mybrain mind master practitioner
global chamber
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