Walk and Talk- a catalyst for conversation and connection with Lisa Partridge

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Lisa is a highly experienced communication skills coach, who hosts a Walk and Talk group in Singapore which has blossomed into a thriving weekly morning Walk & Talk community, boasting over 100 “Walkers & Talkers.” This group offers a refreshing departure from traditional indoor networking events and fosters meaningful connections in nature.

We had a fascinating discussion about why connection and conversation are so challenging today, how Lisa is using walk & talk to go beyond the small talk and coffee to act as a catalyst for conversation and deeper connection, plus how to be intentional to create space for connection in team meetings.

Lisa has been based in Singapore since 2009 and was a training consultant at the British Council Professional Development Centre for 11 years before starting SIXCOMMS. The Six Cs in SIXCOMMS represent Lisa’s core belief in the six essential elements of becoming a proficient communicator: Connection, Curiosity, Compassion, Clarity, Customization, and Consistency. These principles underpin her approach to helping professionals unlock their full communication potential. She hosts The SIXCOMMS Podcast to explore these Six Cs in more depth with her global guests.

What you will learn in this episode:

  • Why connection and conversation are so challenging today
  • Going beyond the small talk and coffee
  • Talking together to stimulate deeper connection
  • Designing conversations for teams in outside spaces
  • Being intentional to create space for connection in team meetings
  • How to support introverts to nurture their ideas and contribute
  • Practical ways for introverts to develop their confidence to speak up and share
  • Ideas for leaders to cultivate meaningful connection with their people in virtual teams

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