Blogs & Articles

Boost your communication and
cultural learning with blogs
and articles

Victoria Rennoldson regularly writes blogs published here and contributes articles for websites, publications and magazines. Read these short, impactful articles with insights, practical ideas, exercises and tools for you to try yourself and with your team.

You might also like watching Victoria’s Wednesday Words videos: short videos on a variety of topics with insights, strategies, ideas and skills from an English coach to support you to become a more confident and culturally-aware communicator.

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Read the latest blogs

culture cuppa 9 email writing mistakes to avoid A

9 Email Writing Mistakes to Avoid

In the world of ChatGPT and AI, do we still need to write effective emails? When we have collaboration tools where we can quickly message ...
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culture cuppa cultural awareness in todays global workplace A

Cultural awareness in today’s global workplace

We live in a globalized world environment where we can instantly connect and communicate across borders at the touch of a button. Even if we ...
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Communication agility for business results

Why is effective communication important? According to a study of 400 UK & US organisations, lack of communication costs the average organization $62.4 million per ...
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Managing communication and collaboration when leading global teams

Working across borders and with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds is a reality for most team leaders today. In fact, a recent survey, featured by ...
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5 strategies for making a positive impression in job interviews

The role of interview. Interviews are a key part of the recruitment process, and a great chance for you to make a good impression and ...
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culture cuppa Blog The Importance of Understanding Cross Cultural Communication in a Globalized World 1

The Importance of Understanding Cross Cultural Communication in a Globalized World

We live in a globalized world environment where we can instantly connect and communicate across borders at the touch of a button. Even if we ...
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Culture cuppa the hot topics of 2021

The hot topics of 2021

2021 was the year of writing. I love writing, both professionally and for pleasure, and this year I have created 47 blogs and articles, plus ...
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Culture cuppa creating inclusive virtual meetings in multilingual multicultural teams

Inclusive virtual meetings in multilingual & multicultural teams

Last week I was in Denmark, virtually of course, one of the many joys I have of online networking. I was visiting the Athena women’s ...
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Culture cuppa the neuroscience of communication

The neuroscience of communication

From the first time I learnt about it, I was fascinated by the MiND profiling tool from MyBrain International, as it is the first of ...
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Culture cuppa creating how do people hear your emails

How to pitch your tone of voice in emails

How do your emails sound? What does your reader hear when they open your emails? How do they interpret it through their ears? Here is ...
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Culture cuppa top small talk tips for virtual meetings

Top Small Talk tips for virtual meetings

Do you consider small talk important in virtual meetings? Do you make time to build conversations, or is it just straight down to business? How ...
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culture cuppa signposting your presentations transitioning smoothly

Signposting your Presentations: transitioning smoothly

When you give presentations, the way you signpost and transition from one section of the presentation to the next will help your English communication sound ...
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Watch Wednesday Words videos

Culture cuppa review your communication performance

How does culture influence online meetings in international teams?

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa virtual presence and energy

Virtual presence & energy

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa diplomatic language

Diplomatic language

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa why establishing communication goals matters

Why establishing communication goals matters

I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach. Welcome to Wednesday Words, my weekly vlog, with more communication skills and cultural strategies for you to learn. Today, ...
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Culture cuppa how to write successful presentations

Writing successful presentations

I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach. Welcome to Wednesday Words – where I bring you communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. You ...
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Culture cuppa structure your opinions

How to structure your opinions

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa communication mistakes

Communication Mistakes

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa what happens in 9 steps

What happens in 9 Steps to Communication Confidence

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa cultural icebergs

Cultural Icebergs

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Cultural Intelligence certified facilitator
Cultural Intelligence certified facilitator 2
mybrain mind master practitioner
global chamber
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