Blogs & Articles

Boost your communication and
cultural learning with blogs
and articles

Victoria Rennoldson regularly writes blogs published here and contributes articles for websites, publications and magazines. Read these short, impactful articles with insights, practical ideas, exercises and tools for you to try yourself and with your team.

You might also like watching Victoria’s Wednesday Words videos: short videos on a variety of topics with insights, strategies, ideas and skills from an English coach to support you to become a more confident and culturally-aware communicator.

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Read the latest blogs

Culture cuppa how to maintain your english communication progress when travelling

How to maintain your English communication progress when travelling

So we are in the peak holiday period and whether you are off traveling, or have decided to stay more local this year, I hope ...
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Culture cuppa 10 must know holiday phrases in english

10 must-know holiday phrases in English

As the holiday season is fast approaching, I thought I would share my 10 must-know English holiday & travel phrases for this time of year. ...
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Culture cuppa the top 12 professional ways to say you dont understand in english

The top 12 professional ways to say you don’t understand in English

You sit there and hold your breath. The time ticks on. They have just said something important, but you did not quite understand. It might ...
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Culture cuppa agility not perfectionism

Agility, not perfectionism

I remember endlessly learning. I studied languages at university, German and Russian, and I used to spend hours learning the structures, vocabulary and grammar. Trying ...
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Culture cuppa using neuroscience to upgrade your english communication

Using neuroscience to upgrade your English communication

by Victoria Rennoldson and Gill McKay When working in international teams it’s important to be able to communicate confidently & effectively in English, whatever the ...
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culture cuppa top idioms about thoughts and ideas 1

Head in the clouds & thinking idioms

Do you have your head in the clouds? Is this a positive or a negative expression for you? I was having a really interesting conversation ...
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Culture cuppa all about victoria qa

All about Victoria Q&A

I will let you into a little secret. Wednesday 26th May is my birthday so I am going to take a day off & enjoy ...
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Culture cuppa what to say in meetings when you dont know what to say next

English Meeting Communication: what to say when you don’t know what to say next

Imagine you are in an important meeting & you are asked to comment or answer a question, but you are not sure what to say, ...
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Culture cuppa the 8 keys to confident english communication

The 8 Keys to Confident English Communication

Whenever I speak to a new international client about their situation & needs, there is usually one word that consistently comes up. It is a ...
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Culture cuppa my top tips for english small talk success

English Small Talk Success

Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Stephen Covey  Small talk is a critical business skill, and if English is your second or third ...
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Culture cuppa the most common email mistakes

Are you making these common email mistakes?

I had a client a few years ago who came to me because he felt he needed to improve his English writing skills. On the ...
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Culture cuppa how british people disagree

How British people disagree

Why is it that British people have such a reputation for being indirect & avoiding saying ‘no’? It is like a national joke, with those ...
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Watch Wednesday Words videos

Culture cuppa review your communication performance

How does culture influence online meetings in international teams?

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa virtual presence and energy

Virtual presence & energy

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa diplomatic language

Diplomatic language

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa why establishing communication goals matters

Why establishing communication goals matters

I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach. Welcome to Wednesday Words, my weekly vlog, with more communication skills and cultural strategies for you to learn. Today, ...
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Culture cuppa how to write successful presentations

Writing successful presentations

I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach. Welcome to Wednesday Words – where I bring you communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. You ...
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Culture cuppa structure your opinions

How to structure your opinions

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa communication mistakes

Communication Mistakes

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa what happens in 9 steps

What happens in 9 Steps to Communication Confidence

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa cultural icebergs

Cultural Icebergs

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Cultural Intelligence certified facilitator
Cultural Intelligence certified facilitator 2
mybrain mind master practitioner
global chamber
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