Blogs & Articles

Boost your communication and
cultural learning with blogs
and articles

Victoria Rennoldson regularly writes blogs published here and contributes articles for websites, publications and magazines. Read these short, impactful articles with insights, practical ideas, exercises and tools for you to try yourself and with your team.

You might also like watching Victoria’s Wednesday Words videos: short videos on a variety of topics with insights, strategies, ideas and skills from an English coach to support you to become a more confident and culturally-aware communicator.

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Read the latest blogs

Culture cuppa how to express your full personality in your english communication

How to express your full personality in your English communication

Imagine your personality is normally like a bright yellow colour, but in your English communication you feel like you show up like the colour of ...
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Culture cuppa top english phrases to handle difficult presentation questions

Top English phrases to handle difficult presentation questions

If you are somebody who regularly presents for work, there may be times when no matter how well prepared you are, you receive a question ...
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culture cuppa english phrases for creating impact in your presentations

English phrases for creating impact in your presentations

I want you to imagine that you pick up a pen & you are writing with your opposite hand to how you usually write. How ...
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culture cuppa top acronyms for work life

Top Acronyms for work life

I was thinking about acronyms the other day, when I was asked about them during a webinar I was leading about connecting successfully with British ...
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culture cuppa english idioms staying positive

Top English idioms for staying positive

When I work with people to uplevel their English communication, they often tell me that idioms are a challenging area. Not only to understand when ...
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culture cuppa an insight into british humour

An Insight into British Humour

I was pleased to be recently published in the Focus UK magazine, sharing my article on British humour for their international network in their latest ...
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culture cuppa email communication success

Unlocking the keys to email communication success

The average office worker: receives 121 emails every day, spends 2 hours a day browsing their inbox the equivalent of 30 days a year on email. ...
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culture cuppa culture in business

Why culture matters in business

It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognise, accept & celebrate those differences. Audre Lorde The national culture we ...
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culture cuppa how to be a pro at small talk

How to be a pro at Small Talk

‘How are you? Hope you’re having a good week.’ How do you feel about small talk? Is it something fun to engage in & a ...
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culture cuppa british cultural approaches

Mind the gap: exploring British cultural approaches

Communication is a hot topic right now, especially in many countries including the UK, where we are in lockdown 2.0 & need to work effectively ...
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culture cuppa why i dont believe in fluency

Why I don’t believe in fluency

I sometimes have clients come to me & they are already advanced speakers of English. They may be currently living in the UK or have ...
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Culture cuppa language communication in online meetings

Language & Communication in Online Meetings

Great to be published in the Focus UK magazine, sharing my article in this latest edition on language & communication in online meetings for their ...
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Watch Wednesday Words videos

Culture cuppa review your communication performance

How does culture influence online meetings in international teams?

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa virtual presence and energy

Virtual presence & energy

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa diplomatic language

Diplomatic language

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa why establishing communication goals matters

Why establishing communication goals matters

I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach. Welcome to Wednesday Words, my weekly vlog, with more communication skills and cultural strategies for you to learn. Today, ...
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Culture cuppa how to write successful presentations

Writing successful presentations

I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach. Welcome to Wednesday Words – where I bring you communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. You ...
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Culture cuppa structure your opinions

How to structure your opinions

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa communication mistakes

Communication Mistakes

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa what happens in 9 steps

What happens in 9 Steps to Communication Confidence

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Culture cuppa cultural icebergs

Cultural Icebergs

Hello everybody. I’m Victoria Rennoldson, Communication and Culture Coach, and welcome to Wednesday Words with communication and cultural strategies and skills for you to learn. ...
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Cultural Intelligence certified facilitator
Cultural Intelligence certified facilitator 2
mybrain mind master practitioner
global chamber
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