Birthday gratitudes

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20th March is the UN International Day of Happiness. The call for the day is that we can create a happier and kinder world together by adopting a simple, daily practice:

● Be mindful
● Be grateful
● Be kind

In our world today, we definitely need this more than ever. It also got me thinking how this relates to my business, as it happens to be my 8th business birthday this week.

In these episodes I usually share my strategies, tips, skills and ideas for you and your team to improve their communication skills and cultural intelligence capabilities.

This episode is going to be different today, and I’ll share 8 things I am grateful for, a more personal insight into my world, how I work and live.

What you will learn in this episode:

  • Culture Cuppa’s 8th business birthday
  • 8 things I am grateful for in my business and personal life
  • What’s important to me
  • Who and what I value
  • How I work
  • How I live my life
  • How I think about life
  • What I am grateful for, now and in the future

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