Holiday message & 2023 review, new episodes back on 2nd January

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Thank you. It’s a real joy to create and share my podcast episodes here, but it is also important to me that I’m not only speaking into a mic to myself, I am also building conversations and connections with you all over the world, sparking new ideas and behaviours which impact people in places that I don’t even know about.

What always amazes me is how global this show is. We have had over 5000 downloads in the last year since launch, hitting the top 10 podcasts in the career charts in the UK, Türkiye, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Israel, New Zealand, Qatar and Cambodia. I am so pleased that I can help as many people as possible through my episodes.

I am also grateful for your support and it means a lot to me personally when you tune in and listen, so thank you so much. I get hugely energised by your feedback, and I love hearing what people value and how the episodes have helped them in their work and career.

Recently one listener shared with me, “The topics are highly important for our globally connected world today.”

And also another listener valued the show as it’s “Straight to the point, sharing ideas I can go and put into practice just after listening to the podcast.”

We will return soon in 2024 with new episodes, and in the meantime why not review the best of 2023.

Popular episodes for you to go back to relisten to, or discover for the first time:

  • Ep.056 – Preparing yourself for interview: getting ready for all aspects of interviewing and your job search.
  • Ep.050 – Exploring your Cultural Values, part 1: perfect for anybody working in multicultural teams.
  • Ep.044 – How to engage your senior stakeholders: discover a framework to map your key stakeholders, and plan how to influence them with your communication strategies.
  • Ep.035 – Handling conflict: how to show up in conversations when conflict happens and how to move through conflict.
  • Ep.034 – 7 Top Conversation Starters: ideas to kick off and keep conversations going, whether in networking or small talk.

I want to make sure this podcast show stays relevant and valuable, so let me know your feedback:

  • What questions do you have about communication, cultural skills, or communication confidence?
  • What topics would you like me to cover in future episodes which would be helpful to you?

Message me your ideas via LinkedIn, or via the links below.

Thank you, and wishing you a very happy festive season if you’re celebrating, and Happy New Year to you all. Look forward to seeing you next year!

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