Preparing yourself for interview

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Employers will interview an average of 6 candidates for every job vacancy they advertise and 93% of candidates admit to experiencing job interview anxiety at some point in their career, according to recent research in the UK from StandOut CV.

Wherever you are looking for a new role, in this competitive job market many people are currently asking me questions about preparing for interview success with global companies, and that’s why I have created this mini series of 3 episodes focusing on what to do before, during and after the interview to land your ideal next role.

In this 1st episode, we focus on what you do before the interview to prepare.

What you will learn in this episode:

  • Types of interview- video, in-person & AI
  • Style of interviews- who will you meet and who is in the room
  • Important points for you to get clear on
  • Key research for preparing
  • Confidence mindset approach
  • Examples of questions you can expect

Find out more:

Are you preparing for an interview, or thinking about job searching for a role in a global company in the next 6 months? Join my group programme, Interview Confidence, a 5-week online coaching course in live calls with me to get you fully prepared for all aspects of the interview, including:

  • Full interview preparation
  • How to answer different types of questions including competency based questions
  • Handling challenging questions
  • How to approach video and in person interviews
  • Key areas to pay attention to make a great impression with all aspects of your verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Building confidence and handling nerves
  • Closing the interview impactfully
  • What you can actively do after the interview to stand out as they make the final selection.

5-week online programme with live calls: £499, starting November 2023.

  • Bonus: book by 29th October 2023 and receive 2 free bonuses:
  1. Mini CV/ resume review: receive my feedback on your current CV/ resume
  2. 1 x individual 30-minute practice interview session with me

More details and book here.

Let's connect

Cultural Intelligence certified facilitator
Cultural Intelligence certified facilitator 2
mybrain mind master practitioner
global chamber
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