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According to the Harvard Business Review research, a vast majority, 92% of employees consider meetings costly and unproductive.
Although the pandemic years have led to shorter meetings, the same research says that the number of meetings overall have increased +13.5%, leading to even more ‘Zoom fatigue’ and technostress.
In 2023, it’s not just business as usual, and meetings have fundamentally changed forever- whether in person, fully virtual or in hybrid mode.
This is the perfect time to shake things up and do things differently in your meetings so you as a team are productive and achieve better outcomes.
Remember less is more. 6 people in a 1-hour meeting = 6 committed people hours! Don’t just put up with disengaging meetings, that don’t add value and suck you and your team’s time and energy.
Here are my new rules of meetings.
What you will learn in this episode:
- Clarifying the purpose of your meeting
- Making sure a meeting is the best format
- Getting the right people there
- Identifying your meeting objectives
- Key actions and next steps
- Planning time
- Designing your meeting for the conversation
- How to ensure productive outcomes after the meeting